Artificial intelligence and TRIZ: a synergy for innovation

The combination of “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) and the theory of inventive problem solving, known as TRIZ, opens up new horizons in systematic innovation: TRIZ offers a structured approach to solving complex problems by analyzing patent databases and using solution patterns that have proven successful in the history of technology.

The integration of AI, especially through tools such as ChatGPT, makes it possible to dynamize this process and extend it on the basis of machine learning.
The use of ChatGPT in combination with TRIZ methods transforms the innovation process by enabling faster analysis, generative ideation and deeper problem solving. The combination of both systems increases the efficiency of innovation efforts by boosting creative and analytical performance through the speed and scalability of AI.

Which artificial intelligence to use?

In the world of artificial intelligence (AI), there are many technologies and platforms that are suitable for different applications. Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT from OpenAI are particularly valuable for integration with TRIZ methods. These models understand and generate human-like texts, which makes them ideal for supporting innovation processes.

  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT: ChatGPT is the best-known representative of the LLMs. It is a model that is trained to understand and generate dialog-based interactions. It can be used to develop ideas, formulate solutions and even analyze complex technical data. We use this model in the paid version. However, our prompts also work perfectly in the free version of ChatGPT.
  • Google Gemini: Like ChatGPT, Gemini is an LLM that is designed to conduct dialogs. Its strength lies in its multimodality: Gemini can switch seamlessly between text, images, video and audio. It supports brainstorming, helps solve complex challenges and analyzes technical data.
  • Microsoft Bing: Like ChatGPT and Gemini, Microsoft Bing offers dialog-based interactions, but has a direct connection to a comprehensive database from the Internet. This integration allows Bing to provide up-to-date information and contextual responses, making it particularly useful for real-time data. Bing is characterized by its connectivity to other Microsoft services and can pull comprehensive answers from a variety of sources.
  • Anthropic Claude: from Anthropic has also been available in Europe since May 2024. Anthropic PBC (Public Benefit Corporation) is a US company founded in 2021 by former members of OpenAI. It is committed to the responsible use of AI.
  • Perplexity: is an AI-powered search engine launched in 2022 that processes search queries using advanced language models. It offers a conversation-based user interface that recognizes the contexts of queries and generates personalized answers from various sources.
  • LM Studio: LM Studio enables users to download and use Large Language Models (LLMs) directly on their own computer. This offers the advantage that all data remains local, which is particularly important for companies that want to prevent knowledge leakage. In contrast to services such as ChatGPT or Bing, where data processing takes place externally, LM Studio guarantees full data control. Access to the software is free of charge for private users, allowing them to get started with autonomous AI applications and AI development at no additional cost.
  • MidJourney: In addition to DALL-E (in chatGPT 4.0 and Bing), we use MidJourney to create images and graphics. MidJourney is a specialized AI platform for visual creativity that uses advanced LLMs to create stunning visual content. MidJourney creates images and graphics, ideal for design and marketing purposes. The platform makes it possible to quickly develop prototypes or visualize ideas without in-depth technical knowledge.

The AI tools offer different strengths for different aspects of the TRIZ-driven innovation process. The choice of the right tool depends on the specific requirements of the project and the complexity of the problems to be solved. By combining AI systems with TRIZ methods, companies can significantly improve and accelerate their innovation processes.

Where can I learn more about this topic?

What does the TRIZ Consulting Group offer?

  • Training on this topic from the TRIZ Consulting Group can be found under the “Special” tab on our offers page. TRIZ Training & Courses
  • Together with Tanasak Pheunghua, a pioneer in the field of generative AI and TRIZ, we have developed a prompt catalog from which ready-made prompts for the various TRIZ problems and tools can be copied and adapted to individual needs. TRIZ and Generative AI, Version 3.0
  • Users of OpenAI’s paid offering can find our English GPT on the trends of the technology evolution here: TESE – Trends of Engineering System Evolution

Further interesting links

  • ProFun AI is a comprehensive resource page by Simon Dewulf (PatentInspiration) that provides links and information on various AI tools and platforms, ideal for users looking for suitable AI solutions.
  • TAAFT, is short for “There’s An Ai For That” and is a site that tries to list all possible AI tools. After logging in to the site, you can also set preferences for what innovations you would like to be informed about.
  • Julius AI is a platform that provides innovative AI-supported tools for analyzing and optimizing data (mathematics, chemistry, spreadsheets, etc.).
  • Tanasak Pheunghua is a pioneer in the field of TRIZ and prompt engineering. He works with us to write better prompts, especially for ChatGPT. He then incorporates these prompts into specialized GPTs. You can always ask such a GPT, “Tell me what this GPT is able to do and how to use it,” to get more detailed information.
  • To engage with large PDFs, you can upload them to ChatPDF and then enter into a chat with that document. Ideal for patents, conference proceedings, and other fairly long texts that you need to scan quickly.