Applying 40 inventive principles with AI

The 40 inventive principles are used very shallowly in generative AIs such as ChatGPT. Therefore, the ccTOPP group has made an effort to describe the inventive principles with all its sub-principles and give examples of their use. These were fed into the 40IP GPT, which now delivers much more ideas per inventive principle. The GPT needs a product or problem as input and a direction in which to suggest improvements.

After you have specified, which inventive principle is to be applied, 40IP-GPT generates corresponding ideas. Of course, these still have to be checked for their usefulness.

You can also use 40IP-GPT to have the 40 inventive principles explained to you.

The description of the 40 inventive principles will be included as an appendix in the next version of the publication ‘TRIZ and Generative AI – V3.0’. The prompts used in the GPT will also be published there.

ccTOPP stands for “Creative and Collaborative TRIZ Open Prompt Project”. This is a group of TRIZ enthusiasts from Germany who want to improve the application of the LLM to TRIZ problems by developing good prompts and methodology descriptions for the LLMs. The group was founded by me. Tanasak Pheunghua is the first member and advisor of the ccTOPP group. As the German group is doing so well, a second international ccTOPP group has now been founded. If you are interested, please contact me.

This link leads to the 40IP-GPT.