MSU Online TRIZ Symposium, Moscow: December 1-3, 2022.

Dmitriy Bakhturin founded the Moscow TRIZ Club and chairs the organizing committee for a TRIZ Symposium at MSU Moscow: The International Symposium “Modern Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) within Academic Context” will be held December 1-3, 2022 online. Presentations will be in English and Russian, with translations available in English, Russian, and Chinese.

“The aim of the Symposium is to update and comprehensively examine the problems and the achievements of modern TRIZ within the context of the development of academic philosophical disciplines (philosophy of consciousness, logic, philosophy of education) as well as within the context of the dynamics of current philosophical paradigms (pragmatism, Marxism, postmodernism), and to generate promising directions for research and development in Russian and international formats.

Form #1 participation (with a presentation) – 45 minutes (including 15 minutes for questions and answers). No registration fee for speakers. Publication of the Symposium Proceedings in electronic format is planned for after the event.

Deadline to submit applications, denoting the presentation title and main highlights, is August 1, 2022. The Program Committee will provide a response to the applicants by September 1, 2022.

Form #2 participation (without a presentation) – online access to all the Symposium events, opportunity to participate in online discussions in accordance with the procedure; video recordings and presentations will be sent within 1 month after the event.”

For more information, please send an email with the subject line “MSU Symposium – TRIZ.2022” to: